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:: Volume 6, Issue 3 (Autumn 2024) ::
J Mar Med 2024, 6(3): 219-226 Back to browse issues page
Challenges Facing Production and Innovation in the Vaccine Industry: A Qualitative Study
Nader Akbari * , Najme Motamed , Fereshte Ansari , Mohamad Hosein Falah Mehrabadi
Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Tehran, Iran , n.akbari123@gmail.com
Abstract:   (261 Views)
Background and Aim: The direct and indirect costs of diseases significantly impact national economies. Additionally, concerns surrounding security issues, such as bioterrorism and passive defense, have elevated vaccine production technology to a strategic priority in the 21st century. This strategic importance justifies investment in vaccine production capabilities, despite the industry’s low profit margins, as it serves as a catalyst for biotechnology development. The emphasis on "prevention" over "treatment" within healthcare systems has further underscored the necessity for indigenous vaccine production aimed at achieving industrial self-reliance. However, this focus has also introduced serious challenges. The present study aims to conduct a comparative analysis with neighboring countries, examining the challenges related to vaccine supply and production within the country and proposing potential solutions.
Methods: The challenges and obstacles to vaccine production and innovation were categorized into five main themes: political challenges, cultural and social challenges, economic challenges, legislative challenges, and logistical challenges. A total of 31 subcategories were identified. Among these, the legislative category received the highest score, averaging 44.61 with a standard deviation of 14.3. Economic challenges followed with an average score of 132.61 and a standard deviation of 9.4, while political challenges scored 08.61 with a standard deviation of 94.5. Cultural challenges averaged 98.60 with a standard deviation of 40.4, and logistical challenges had the lowest average score of 01.58 with a standard deviation of 4.14.
Results: The study surveyed 54 participants (30 men and 24 women) with at least 19 years of work experience, including 45 individuals holding PhDs and 9 with master’s degrees. These participants were professionals in production and quality assurance, as well as experienced specialists in vaccine supply and production from two major institutions: Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute and Actoveerco Pharmaceutical Complex. The overall reliability coefficient for the questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach's alpha, yielding a score of 84.7 percent. The reliability for each thematic scale was as follows: political challenges at 65 percent, cultural and social challenges at 87 percent, economic challenges at 66 percent, legislative challenges at 45 percent, and logistical challenges at 33 percent.
Conclusion: Analysis of the questionnaire results indicated that cultural and social challenges in vaccine production received the highest overall score. Key factors included the technical knowledge and skills of personnel, the rate of scientific updating, cultural communication practices, wealth distribution, intra-organizational communication (among staff), extra-organizational communication (between management and staff), and direct engagement with international organizations and NGOs involved in vaccine production.
Keywords: Challenges, Vaccine, Production, Government, Private sector, Economic factors, Scientific development
Full-Text [PDF 416 kb]   (273 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Marine Medicine
Received: 2022/10/3 | Accepted: 2024/11/16 | Published: 2024/11/30
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Akbari N, Motamed N, Ansari F, Falah Mehrabadi M H. Challenges Facing Production and Innovation in the Vaccine Industry: A Qualitative Study. J Mar Med 2024; 6 (3) :219-226
URL: http://jmarmed.ir/article-1-410-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 3 (Autumn 2024) Back to browse issues page
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