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Department of Fisheries Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Guilan, Sowmeh Sara, Iran ,
Abstract: (1656 Views)
The rapid and continuous development of shrimp farming has probably led to a series of harmful developments for the environment and human health. The destruction of mangrove forests, the blooming of harmful algae in coastal waters and shrimp breeding ponds, the introduction of non-native species, the depletion of aquatic resources and the reduction of water quality are among the most important environmental problems. The widespread and unlimited use of antibiotics to prevent bacterial infections in the shrimp farming industry, especially in developing countries, has played a role in this regard. On the other hand, the use of large amounts of antibiotics that should be mixed with shrimp food also lead to some problems for human health and increases the chance of remaining antibiotics in meat and shrimp products. Therefore, it seems that global efforts are needed to promote a more rational use of preventive antibiotics in aquaculture. Because the evidence shows that this unlimited use is harmful to fish, animals, human health and the environment. It is suggested to plan according to the principles of sustainable use of the environment for various economic activities, including the construction of shrimp farms, and monitoring efforts are usually needed to predict possible effects. Aquaculture effluent monitoring is part of the assessments needed to understand environmental impacts, which may include measurements of water quality, nutrient concentrations, organic matter outputs, chemicals, and residual bacteria that affect product quality.
Habibi A, Hedayati A, Mousavi-Sabet H. The Environmental Impact of Shrimp Aquaculture on the Coastal Pollution and the Human Health (Iranian Coast). J Mar Med 2023; 5 (2) :99-108 URL: