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Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (14231 Views)
Background and Aim: Edible films in thin and uniform layers are the basic ways to control physiological, microbial and physicochemical changes. In the present study, the physical properties of cherry sap were investigated as new substances to produce a natural coating film on the body surface to prevent sweating. Methods: First, a homogeneous powder was prepared with pieces of cherry tree sap, and a clear solution was obtained from it. This material was used to produce the edible films. The effect of variables such as sap concentration, glycerol as a casting agent and hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent on the physical properties of the produced film was evaluated based on the response surface method. The physical properties of the film produced from the cherry tree sap such as thickness, moisture, water solubility and water vapor permeability were measured. Results: The thickness of the edible films prepared from cherry tree sap in the present study varied between 60-96 microns. The solubility decreased with increasing the concentration of cherry sap. Glycerol and dry matter content was directly related to the amount of water vapor permeability. The results showed that the amount of permeability to sweating and thickness increased with increasing dry matter and glycerol while hydrogen peroxide reduced them. Optimal conditions for cherry sap film with dry matter 3%, glycerol 11.85% and hydrogen peroxide 0.05% were predicted. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that cherry tree sap as a biopolymer has suitable physical properties that can be significantly improved by using various methods such as suitable additives such as hydrogen peroxide; therefore, it can be recommended as a suitable way to reduce sweating and thus reduce water loss when water is not available.
Borna H, Ayoubi Najafabadi A R. Using cherry tree sap to produce a natural coating film on the body surface to prevent sweating. J Mar Med 2020; 2 (3) :171-180 URL: