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:: Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2020) ::
J Mar Med 2020, 2(2): 108-117 Back to browse issues page
Trauma Caused by Persian Gulf Shark Attacks (Frequency, Quality of Injuries and Recommendations to Help and Treat the Injured)
Mahdi Morshedi * , Shahram Oliaei , Hossein Jafari , Fatollah Adabi
Trauma Research Center, Baqiyatallah Specialized Hospital, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Tehran, Iran , morsehdimah542@gmail.com
Abstract:   (15827 Views)
Background and Aim: Today, more than 350 species of sharks are known in world waters. More than 60 species of sharks are recorded in the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman. Statistics show that Iran is one of the countries that has suffered the most damage from shark attacks on people and divers. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of trauma caused by shark attacks in the Persian Gulf, the quality of injuries and ways to help and treat the injured.
Methods: In order to collect data for the present descriptive study, the data available in reputable marine centers in the Hormozgan province was used. Unstructured interviews were conducted with a number of divers and medical staff on the shores of the Persian Gulf. Divers and people who encountered sharks in the Persian Gulf region also received information about sharks and their attacks. To prepare statistics on shark attacks in the Persian Gulf from 2001 to 2011, referring to the National Center for Persian Gulf Studies and the Fisheries Research Center in southern Iran was done.
Results: From 2001 to 2011, about 85 shark attacks occurred in the Persian Gulf, of which 12 resulted in death. The age of the victims of shark attacks was mostly between 20-30 years. Statistically, the most attacked sharks were tiger sharks, leopard sharks, cow sharks, bignose sharks and white sharks. Invaders shark in the Persian Gulf region were 2 meters or more in length. Sharks attack in the Persian Gulf region have occurred mostly at a depth of 0-2 meters and in waters that had a temperature between 15-17 degrees Celsius. To rescue people who have been harmed by a shark attack; prevention of bleeding and use of artificial respiration in case of respiratory failure, rapid delivery of the injured to the hospital, rapid injection of blood or plasma and regular monitoring of pulse and blood pressure, immobilization and avoid drinking any liquid is recommended.
Conclusion: The present study showed that shark attacks in the Persian Gulf are a potential threat to divers and sailors. Therefore, it is very important to identify the types of sharks in this area and also to provide rescue and treatment strategies for the injured.
Keywords: Shark Attack, Trauma, Rescue, Persian Gulf, Sailors.
Full-Text [PDF 854 kb]   (2535 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Marine Medicine
Received: 2020/03/26 | Accepted: 2020/06/8 | Published: 2020/08/31
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Morshedi M, Oliaei S, Jafari H, Adabi F. Trauma Caused by Persian Gulf Shark Attacks (Frequency, Quality of Injuries and Recommendations to Help and Treat the Injured). J Mar Med 2020; 2 (2) :108-117
URL: http://jmarmed.ir/article-1-96-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2020) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب دریا Journal of Marine Medicine
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