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Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Imam Khamenei Marine University, Zibakenar, Rasht, Iran ,
Abstract: (4487 Views)
Diving is done for various commercial, recreational, military purposes, installation and repair of underwater structures, oil industry, underwater archeology and marine life. With the development of diving, the medical knowledge of diving has developed and has created new challenges for health professionals. The fascinating, spectacular and mysterious world of the deep waters of the seas and oceans can be potentially dangerous to humans and can cause disturbances and complications. As the depth of water increases, the pressure on a person increases, his field of vision decreases and the ambient temperature falls. The aim of this review study is to investigate the types of diving-induced injuries and damages.
Divers are always exposed to a variety of diseases and occupational injuries. Given that the long history of diving, with the advancement of science and the production and invention of new diving equipment and the increasing depth of diving in the water, new diseases have been discovered and various studies have been done. It has been accepted that due to the importance of diving in different fields, more advanced studies are needed in this regard.
Kazemi Darsanki R, Habibi A, Shokrollahi A. A Review of Some Occupational Injuries and Limiting Diseases in Diving. J Mar Med 2020; 1 (4) :190-196 URL: