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Department of Educational Management, School of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (3951 Views)
Background and Aim: In recent decades, organizations have moved from the concept of comprehensive quality to the concepts of organizational learning, intelligence, and forgetfulness, and continuous improvement globally to maintain their competitive position. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between organizational intelligence and learning with organizational forgetfulness in a navy hospital. Methods: The statistical population included Iranian employees of a navy hospital, of which 320 people were selected by simple random sampling. Albrecht organizational intelligence questionnaire, Neef organizational learning questionnaire, and Halen & Phillips organizational forgetfulness questionnaire were used to collect data. Data were analyzed with SPSS-18 software. Results: The results indicate that in general, organizational intelligence and learning predict organizational forgetfulness. Each of the components of predictive variables, organizational learning (R=0.38) and organizational intelligence (R = 0.57) positively and significantly predicts the criterion variable, i.e. organizational forgetfulness. Conclusion: Organizational intelligence and learning have a positive and significant effect on organizational forgetfulness. Employers need to motivate and encourage employees in the organization, leading them to purposefully forget old and outdated knowledge. Also, employees should be guided to acquire, distribute, transfer and apply existing useful knowledge, new knowledge as well as implicit knowledge.
Malekpour Lepri K, Shahnoshi M, Zafari Rigki A. Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Intelligence and Learning with Organizational Forgetfulness in a Navy Hospital. J Mar Med 2020; 1 (4) :230-237 URL: